Thursday, February 3, 2011

Photography: Fifty friggin’ Megapixels!


Unbelievable?  Maybe.  Impossible?  Not for 135 film! 

I just purchased and received a high-resolution flatbed scanner with a transparency unit, that allows it to scan both color negative and color reversal (slide) films.  Needless to say I am very impressed:  At the scanner’s native resolution of 6400 DPI a standard 135 frame (24x36mm) equates to 49.5 megapixels, with a quality level that blows the socks off of anything digital I’ve ever shot! 

So far I have tested this scanner with two color negative films (Fujicolor Superia 200 and 800 Xtra) and one color reversal film (Kodak Kodachrome 64) both with extraordinary results! 

Anyways here are some 50MP scans of some 135 photographs.  Enjoy.


Fujicolor Superia 800 Xtra scan

Kodak Kodachrome 64 scan

Fujicolor Superia 200 scan