Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sunflower harvest, speedlight guts and more…

I realize that I’ve been awhile in posting, and that most of my more recent posts have been strictly about photography.  The first is just plain laziness, and the second I have taken care of by adding a Flickr photostream to my sidebar. 

First:  the Fall of the Sunflowers


It’s been over a month and a half now, but my sunflowers finally ripened and I cut the heads down.  Here is a photo taken just before the harvest.



One of the astonishingly-large heads that we harvested!  Most weren’t quite this big, but…





Just to give you an idea, this is about HALF of the harvest!  All in all it equated to about a half-bushel of seeds.  I’m rather impressed, especially since only about half of the plants actually made it to harvest!


Of course most of my corn is still in the field (I need to deal with this), most of what isn’t has already been fed to the chickens. 


And just one more quick thing…  Have any of you ever wondered what was inside a speedlight (standard camera flash)?  I had purchased a Sunpak Auto 411 Thyristor (a fairly powerful late 70s flash) off eBay.  When I got it the thing didn’t work.  So I tore it apart to see if I could find the problem.  So far no luck, but luckily for you I photographed the innards for all to see…


Click the picture to see a larger, annotated version on Flickr. 

Hopefully I can get this sucker working; it’s fairly small but when it does work it packs a surprising punch! 




Well that’s all I have for now.  Hopefully I won’t go so long without a post again…


James Guilford said...

Careful! The capacitors inside those flash units can pack quite a punch themselves... and can hold on to a lethal charge for a long time! -- JG

Unknown said...

Those sunflowers are huge! Gonna roast some?